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What would you like to know?

Where can I find Potybá products?

Initially, we are selling our products only to other companies, and we are increasing our points of sale.

Soon, you will find Potybá products in the best stores near you!

What are functional foods?

Functional foods are foods that have bioactive compounds, which are substances present in vegetables that do not have a nutritional function, such as providing energy, but exert several benefits in our body.

Many bioactive compounds are antioxidants, known to decrease the risk of developing chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, inflammation and type II diabetes.

What are Brazilian native fruits?

Guava, pineapple, passion fruit and açaí are the best known. But we have a huge variety of lesser-known fruits. Some examples are: jabuticaba, pitanga, araçá, cajá, guabiroba, grumixama, uvaia, cambuci, seriguela, cagaita, soursop, araçá-piranga... Have you tried any of these?

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